Nov 27, 2017

Record Online Sales on Black Friday of US$ 5.03 Bn Says Adobe Analytics’ Report

Media reports say that Adobe Analytics has  posited record online sales for Black Friday; and extremely good growth for  online sales on Thanksgiving day.

Based on data released by the analytics firm, Cnet  reported that  while Black Friday accounted for online sales worth US$ 5.03 billion; online sales on Thanksgiving Day itself amounted to US$  2.87 billion. However, while Black Friday saw sales rise 16.9% for the segment over last year’s sales of US$ 4.3 billion; the Thanksgiving Day increase was higher at 18.3% over  Thanksgiving Day  2016 which saw online sales touch  US$ 1.3  billion.  However, the reports say, both days achieved record sales.

Analysts are now waiting for the figures for sales realised on Cyber Monday (today), which many feel will go down as the day when the largest amount of online sales were made. 

Adobe notes that there is an increasing tendency to make purchases via mobile devices.